
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Two Hundred Sixtieth Cardiac Arrest: Summary Remarks

We end our two months of mixes to return to normal programming. From this juncture on, there will only be one new mix a week.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Two Hundred Second Cardiac Arrest: Plastic Friendship Bracelet


For the rest of the month and into the first week of December, we change the pace with mixes and a picture drawn specifically for each.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Two Hundredth Cardiac Arrest: Next To Godliness


NOTE:  Open Heart Surgery will be on hiatus for roughly a week.  It will return on November 3, 2009.  Until then, go kick over some Jack-O-Lanterns or something.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One Hundred Sixty-Second Cardiac Arrest: Outdoor Survival With Slight Dampness

The First Annual Jack London "How To Build A Fire" Re-Enactment In The Rain

Bear Approaches Camp After The Rain

Fearful Viking Hides In His Pup Tent